Submitted on 15/01/2020
MC2 - Empowerment of the critical mass and cooperation in the Urban System of the Atlantic Axis
[Project approved in the 1st Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
MC2 project aims to prepare the Urban System of the Atlantic Axis for the challenges of the post-crisis period, consolidating the role of cities as main actors of economic and social development and strengthening the active participation of the population and other stakeholders of the Euroregion in its construction as a unique and cohesive territorial unit.
URBAN SYSTEM - Intelligent Development of the Urban System of the Euroregion Galicia – North of Portugal-Castilla y León
[Project approved in the 1st call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
URBAN SYSTEM project aims to promote the intelligent development of the Urban System of Galicia-North of Portugal-Castilla y León through the coordinated action of its cities for the preservation and efficient and sustainable management of its resources.
DESTINO FRONTERA - Tourism development strategy of the Iberian border
[Project approved in the 1st Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
DESTINO FRONTERA aims to implement a tourism development strategy of the Spanish-Portuguese border as a unique, integrated and structured destination, based on shared endogenous resources and the intelligent specialization of the offer, reducing costs, lowering territorial inequalities and promoting sustainable development of border regions.
More information: https://www.rietiberica.eu/destinofrontera/pt-pt/
GERES_XURES_DINAMICO - Joint dynamisation of the Gerês-Xurés cross-border biosphere reserve
[Project approved in the 1st Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
GERES_XURES_DINAMICO project aims to strengthen the entity and identity of the Gerês-Xurés Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (RBTGX) by promoting the active participation of the territory's stakeholders, the promotion of its sustainable economic and tourism development and the protection and conservation of its natural and cultural heritage.
More information: https://www.reservabiosferageresxures.eu
DISCOVER_DUERO_DOURO – Consolidating the Duero-Douro cross-border area as tourist destination of excellence through cooperation
[Project approved in the 2nd Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
DISCOVER_DUERO_DOURO aims to create the necessary conditions for the promotion, positioning and recognition of the Duero-Douro cross-border area as a tourist destination of excellence, based on an innovative offer and unique experiences, and its natural and cultural heritage is an element of differentiation, identity and positioning.
HI_EXPIRIENCE - Innovative tools for enhancing and boosting endogenous resources of Galicia - Castilla y León - Northern Portugal area
[Project approved in the 2nd Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
HI_EXPERIENCE project aims to enhance the territory's natural and cultural heritage, through its urban system, as a dynamic element of the regional economy through cooperation for socio-economic development.
C3D - Cities: Cohesion, Cooperation and Development
[Project approved in the 2nd Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
C3D, a project aimed to deepen and strengthen the development of the Portuguese-Spanish border urban system through cross-border cooperation in strategic areas, with the objective of reaching greater levels of critical mass for costume service optimization and improving cohesion in the Northern Portugal - Galicia - Castilla y León area.
CONSERVAL - Recovery of by-products and wastewater from the canning industry in the POCTEP space
[Project approved in the 2nd Call of POCTEP programme: Preparation and submission of application]
CONSERVAL aims to develop sustainable waste management models for the canning industry based on the valorisation of its waste flows to obtain high added value products, such as volatile fatty acids, oils and proteins.
More information: https://conservalproject.com