Translating ideas into projects


Cooperación europea

  • Elaboración y presentación de candidaturas a programas de cooperación europea
  • Asistencia técnica a proyectos de cooperación europea
  • Evaluación externa de proyectos europeos
  • Desarrollo de contenidos
  • Organización de eventos de comunicación y difusión


  • Elaboración de planes estratégicos y planes de acción
  • Elaboración de candidaturas a fondos europeos
  • Acompañamiento y asistencia técnica en la implementación de proyectos
  • Realización de estudios de diagnóstico, temáticos y/o sectoriales


  • Organisation of specialised and custom-made training events (seminars, conferences and workshops)
  • Organisation of communication and dissemination events of European projects (specialised, aimed at the media and public in general)



We have accompanied (or supported) the consortium of the cross-border cooperation project between Portugal and Spain, ‘GERÊS_XURÉS_DINAMICO’, in one of its final events: the photography exhibition on the Gerês-Xures Biosphere Cross-border Reserve, which is the outcome of a photography contest launched via the project’s social media.
The exhibition, which has been organised by the partner Northern Region Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N), can be visited at the University of Porto Biodiversity Gallery.


Together with CIM of Alto Minho, we attended one more event in the context of the 4th Call of the Interreg Europe Programme related to the BIGDATA 4RIVERS project, supporting the Steering Committee meeting held in Athens on the 23rd of January.
The Regional Development Fund of Athens was the host institution.
