ACCESS2SEA - New opportunities for more competitive and sustainable blue growth in Atlantic Area
[Project approved in the 2nd Call of ATLANTIC AREA programme: Preparation and submission of application]
Access2Sea aims to improve the attractiveness of the Atlantic shore for aquaculture SMEs by enabling new business opportunities. Its objective is to enhance the exploitation and preservation of the Atlantic Area’s natural assets by unlocking the existing barriers and to provide the industry with technical solutions.
More information on Twitter: @Access2Sea
AT_VIRTUAL - Open innovation to improve response in maritime security and safety in the Atlantic Area
[Project approved in the 2nd Call of ATLANTIC AREA programme: Technical support to the project]
AT_VIRTUAL project aims to accelerate the digitization of Maritime Safety Training Centres in the Atlantic Area by introducing new emerging Industry 4.0 related technologies (Internet of Things, Big Data / Data Analytics and Vision Technologies) with simulation-based training systems.
More information: https://www.at-virtual.eu